SENTENCE HOURS 0 20 Sentence of 20 hours
SENTENCE DAYS 7 Sentence of 7 days
SENTENCE DAYS&HOURS 5 15 Sentence of 5 day and 15 hours
Each prisoner's time remaining is always displayed in the title's floating text.
The SHOW keyword controls if prisoners' original sentence is also displayed.
If you are counting SL hours in your Sentence, or have Levels defined (discussed below) to use hours, you will want Idle Detect enabled.
This is not perfect, but works fairly well to detect when someone has left their avatar in SL, but is actually not at the keyboard for long periods of time.
This works mostly by detecting that an avatar has not moved for sometime. When no movement is detected, a pop-up menu ask for them to respond.
If they do not. counting of SL hours is stopped.
The default is YES
RLV Controls
Jails must be escape proof and the RLV commands activated by the prisoners' title can keep them in place.
Rather than have layers of menus with all of the individual RLV commands, Jail Keeper allows for up to 6 sets of RLV commands (or "rule sets" ) to be defined for
common situations. Three have been included as examples and you may want to use them as is. But you can define your own.
The first rule set defined is considered the default and is always in effect as long as the title is locked on, AND another rule set is not active.
That last part means that rule sets are not additive. Each rule set must contain all of the RLV commands you want to be active when that rule set is active.
There is no menu option to select the default rule set. it will ALWAYS be made active when one of the other rule sets not active.
The keyword for defining a rule set is RLV followed by a name for the rule set, followed by the RLV command string
RLV Name RLV_command_string
Included Rule Sets
RLV Default tplure=n,tploc=n,tplm=n
RLV Confined tplure=n,tploc=n,tplm=n,chatshout=n,rez=n,fartouch=n,showworldmap=n,showminimap=n,sittp=n
RLV Isolation tplure=n,tploc=n,tplm=n,chatshout=n,rez=n,fartouch=n,showworldmap=n,showminimap=n,sittp=n
RLV Isolation showinv=n,chatnormal=n,sendim_sec=n,recvim_sec=n
IMPORTANT: You never have to specify "detach=n" as this command (to keep the title attached) is always active as long as the title is "locked".
What does all of that mean?
Please see the RLV API specification for complete and detailed information about these and more RLV commands.
But here are a few tips.
- The commands must be separated by commas and have no spaces between them.
- Setting the command "=n" prohibits the action.
- Notecards have a limit on how long a line can be read by a script. So, if you need to create a rule set with a lot of RLV commands, just add another keyword with the
same Rule Set name as was done in the example for Isolation above.
- Notes on the Rule Sets provided with the system
- The Default Rule Set prevents someone from Teleporting away once the title is attached.
- The Confined Rule Set, adds restrictions to prevent shouting, rezzing, touching objects farther away than 1.5m, seeing where other people are on the world or mini maps, and getting out of a cell by sitting on a nearby object.
- The Isolation Rule set adds restrictions to prevent seeing inventory, sending and receiving IMs, and forces them to whisper all the time.
Normally the show RLV Status button will show all of the RLV restrictions a person is under from ALL devices.
When this keyword is present (not commented out with # sign), the show RLV Status button will only show status for restrictions imposed by the Jail Keeper Title.
This is needed due to a problem seen (so far only with the MSM prison system) where the prisoner's client crashes when the "@getallstatus" RLV command is issued.
All other RLV control devices seem to support this command as expected.
Extra Information in the Titles
These are extra features that may be useful in your prison.
PRIVILEGE days hours description
Privilege Levels (you can define up to 6 of them) are labels the title will display based on the number of DAYS and/or HOURS a prisoner has spend inside your prison.
This would typically be used to indicate additional privileges based having made a commitment to being in your prison.
Days and Hours both define the requirement to reach the next level (not total time in prison) . This allows for staff to manually reduce a prisoners level as a punishment or increase it as a reward.
This means that the order of the PRIVILEGE keywords defines increasing privileges.
If you don't want Privilege Levels, just add at # sign to the front of the line: # PRIVILEGE days hours description
If you want to count hours but not days, enter zero for the days for all Levels
PRIVILEGE 0 0 First Day displays right away
PRIVILEGE 2 8 Level 1 displays after 2 days and 8 hours
PRIVILEGE 10 20 Level 2 displays after 10 days and at least 20 more hours after reaching "Level 1".
PRIVILEGE 20 40 Trustee displays after 20 days and at least 40 more hours after reaching "Level 2".
One problem that can occur when your staff come and go during a day, is that a prisoner may be given a punishment (say "wash the floor" for 2 hours) by one guard; but
when another guard arrives, they don't realize the prisoner has only performed 30 minutes of that punishment and then releases the prisoner to do something else.
Enabling this feature enables staff to enter text describing a special punishment that is in effect for a prisoner and to also setup a count down timer for SL
hours to indicate when this punishment is to end.
This allows other staff to arrive and know why a prisoner is performing some task or restrained in some special way.
Staff can also set a Count of times some task is to be performed by the prisoner. Other staff can then decrement this counter when they observe the prisoner completing
one instance of the task.
SPECIAL_STATUS description
Up to 5 special status labels can be defined here and then manually set by your jail staff for each prisoner.
A given prisoner does not have to have a special status. but those defined here are available to be set by staff.
SPECIAL_STATUS Waiting for Trial
Allow staff to enter any short text string to be displayed in the title.
NOTIFY_KEY admin staff key (UUID) < optional name >
A series of NOTIFY_KEY keywords define a list of administrative staff that are to be notified when a
prisoner rezzes outside the jail or without RLV enabled.
IMPORTANT: EACH person included will get an IM with the prisoners name and location, so you probably want this list to only a few people.
The IM will include the SLURL so you can quickly TP to the prisoner's location and confront them.
This list of people will also be able to offer a prisoner a Teleport invitation when the prisoner is on "work release"
NOTIFY_KEY c9811700-02a1-4ebc-8188-fb5479cbxxxx Warden
Access Levels for your staff
Title Menu Access Controls
You may not want all of your staff to have access to all title menu functions. The Jail Keeper Title uses a hierarchical system of access
where your Guards, Captains and Wardens (for example) each has increasing access to title functions
Four access levels (with Level 4 requiring the highest authority) are assigned to each of the primary title functions:
ACCESS_SENTENCE level number
ACCESS_UNLOCK level number
ACCESS_RLV level number
ACCESS_SPECIAL level number
ACCESS_TEXT level number
The number following each keyword is a staff Access level number which allows you to limit what Title functions are accessible to your staff based on position.
For example you may want only senior staff to be able to change a prisoners sentence or release them.
Access Level 4 is the highest authority and Access Level 1 the lowest.
These work with the PIN_CODE_n definitions (below), and also external authentication provided with with the KR Access Server
that is part of the KR Prison Cuffs and Leg Shackles product.
A menu with Access level of 2 can be accessed by staff at access level 2, 3 or 4, but not by staff at Access Level 1
For a small staff with equal authority, you can make them all the same.
Tip: To disable a menu function that you do not want to use (such as Privileges or Special),
use Level 3 for your highest staff level and assign Level 4 to the unused function.
Staff Authentication
Most users will find the Staff Pin system a convenient way to manage authentication for your staff and default value for the AUTHENTICATION keyword is "PIN".
PIN Codes
PIN_CODE_1 nnnn
PIN_CODE_2 nnnn
PIN_CODE_3 nnnn
PIN_CODE_4 nnnn
PIN codes allow your staff to access a title without needed to maintain access lists of names.
The PIN number can be any length, but typically 4 digits are easily remembered.
The numbers in the keywords are the same as the access levels described above.
If you change the PIN numbers in the Server configuration, the new ones will go in effect on the next rez of each prisoner's Title.
This means that there will be period of time after you change the PIN codes in the server, where titles for prisoners present at the time of the change will still use the old codes.
Note: Prisoner titles have a "New Config" button to request a download of a new server configuraiton.
Note to avoid your staff from having to enter a PIN Code EACH time they access a Title, each Title has a short term memory of avatars that have recently been authorized and
will not prompt for a PIN code until they age out of the local memory.
Pin codes are an easy way to set up access. but are only as secure as your staff are trustworthy.
If you think a pin code is known to people you don't want to know it, change
the PIN Code in the server configuration file and it will be sent to each Title
the next time they log on and the title rezzes. When a new PIN code is received, the local memory is cleared, requiring everyone to enter the new pin code.
Server Controlled Access
However you can use an in-world server to control who is on your staff and what their access levels should be for the title.
To enable this, specify PLUG_IN as a parameter to the AUTHENTICATION keyword, purchase the KR Prison Cuffs and Leg Shackles product.
Then maintain a list of your staff and their access levels in the KR Access Server. (You don't have to use the cuffs and leg shackles for the KR Access Server to work with Jail Keeper).
The level definitions for menu functions are still used to limit access to some menus and functions, but the access server will now provide the level for each staff person
each time they touch the title. In the KR Access Server you will use the keyword LEVEL n with each staff person's name to specify their level of access.